

Involved three connecting gallery rooms of inter-related drawings and objects conveying a range of ideas and current thinking from “the studio”. My intention in this installation was to make new musings thoughts concrete. I was also investigating shifting ideas, images, and objects between two and three dimensions. “Well For the Boy Who Cried” was a quiet, multi-sensory homage to an important tree. The telescoping well is made of circular wood shapes spaced around an aluminum cone with the top rim that mirroring the shape of the base cut from the tree. The highly polished interior surface of the well reflected the viewer. When looking into the well, one saw the heart of the tree and smelled the concentrated cedar aroma. The leaf-like form suspended above the well was gently moving, blown by a hidden fan. The crumpled papers knocked together to create a sound like of dry leaves moving on the ground. A moving shadow played across the floor and wall. This room seemed like a moment, but the sound, movement and smell remained as the viewer returned to the crowded main room.