The Most Basic

Seattle, WA

Installation in the storefront windows of 911 Media Arts Center, Seattle, WA.
Acrylic, photo emulsion on fabric, reproduction on paper, paint

This installation was part of an on-going program at the media center in their storefront windows. Each 5′ x 5′ x 10″ window had three layers – a budding fern image painted on the glass, photo image on sheer fabric suspended in the middle and a reproduction on paper of a mature fern leaf on the window backing. The metallic acrylic paint on the glass reflected light and simultaneously cast a shadow onto the fabric during the day. In daylight the painted immature fern image dominated. The mature fern image came out at night with lighting while the image on the glass was subdued. Thus the piece transitioned from day and night. Each window backing was a different pastel shade.